
Intestinal Disorders

  • Approximately 85% of autistic children experience intestinal and assimilation disorders.
  • Most autists experience digestive problems in respect to excessive fungal growth such as candidiasis, food allergies and hypersensitivities. If sufficient metallothionein is present in the intestine, heavy metals such as mercury or lead will be bound to sulfhydril groups. Sulfhydril groups in enzymes are needed to break down casein and gluten. Many autistic children have gluten and casein allergies (over 85%). These enzymes also need zinc. Therefore a metallothionein deficiency will lead to a deficiency of the enzyme that breaks down casein and gluten. This in turn leads to a casein and gluten allergy.
  • A leaky gut simply means a failing metallothionein function that causes mercury, lead and other toxins to end up in the portal vein.
  • High concentrations of metallothionein are also present in the mouth and a deficiency may lead to taste disorders and eating problems (for example refusing to eat solid food with lumps).
  • The function of metallothionein in the stomach is 
    a) production of gastic acid,  
    b) supply of zinc to the digestive enzymes, 
    c) production of proteins against gastric infection.
  • Metallothionein also plays an important role as a protective mechanism against infection of the intestine and diarrhoea. It kills candida and protects against excessive fungal growth